Well, this it!! My first blog ever. How exciting! I don't have any really recent pictures yet but Jaydon's birthday is this Friday so I'll be sure to add some very soon!
Hey family! This web site is really COOL! Chris, you are definetly a geek but I must say this is great. Ryan and I will have a lot to post in the future I am sure. I will be posting some photos soon from when Debbie and the kids came to Kenosha to visit.
Congratulations! Isn't technology cool? Welcome to the geek club!
Hey family! This web site is really COOL! Chris, you are definetly a geek but I must say this is great. Ryan and I will have a lot to post in the future I am sure. I will be posting some photos soon from when Debbie and the kids came to Kenosha to visit.
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