Saturday, August 25, 2007

Living it up--Saint Paul style

Hey all! I moved into my new house today! I am planning to take pictures and stuff later, but I'm not unpacked yet. Also, I think the wireless card on my computer is broken, so I can't access the internet on my computer (I'm borrowing the house computer right now). Oh, and guess what? I was talking to my boyfriend Dan's sister this morning and she was wondering if I wanted to hang out tonight (she also lives in the cities). When we exchanged addresses we realized that we live about 5 houses apart on the same street! Crazy how that works sometimes. Anyway, it will be nice to have at least one person around who I can hang out with. There's also a guy in the opera chorus who I met who's older brother I knew from Lawrence. Weird connections all around. Hope all is well with everyone, and I will post pictures of the house when I can. Oh, and I think I will be home next weekend at mom's if anyone is around we should hang out. Oh, and someone should maybe tell mom. Hehee.... Love!

Monday, August 20, 2007

A sad day in WI and MN

I just wanted to tell everyone to count your blessings and live each day to the fullest. I found out today that my cousin's mother and father in law were killed in the flooding in our area over the weekend. Their car was washed into a 30 foot ditch. It really hits close to home when someone you know leaves this earth in such a way. My cousin's son, Cody, is only a year older than Mitchell and to think that he has lost grandparents in such a way is hard. Please keep the family and all those who suffered losses over the weekend in your prayers.
God Bless !

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Civil War Cannons Blowing Stuff Up

The Sounds of Freedom Photos

This one has taken a beating from the gunnery range.

This Armored Personnel Carrier must be new to the range. It's almost unscathed.

This tank has been used for target practice. Note the damage to the top portion.

An old Huey helicopter fuselage.

An old F-4 Phantom (Vietnam era)

The Blackhawk helicopter.

Sometimes the sounds of freedom are deafening.

Friday, August 17, 2007

The Sounds of Freedom Video

As promised...

The Sounds of Freedom

Mitchell and I spent most of the day listening to the awesome sounds of freedom. Yes, I'm talking about American Fighter Planes! Those screeching jet engines are the sound of freedom and today we went to the Hardwood firing range to watch Wisconsin Air National Guard pilots practice bombing and strafing in their F-16 Fighting Falcons. It was so cool that I could hardly breathe! Video clips and photos to come shortly. But first I have to perform some software updates on my PC. Stay tuned. You don't want to miss these.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

My life as a wage slave

This is the view from just behind my computer station

That's where we knock out the flies with CO2 so we can do stuff to them (pick out virgin females for future mating, dissections, etc.)

This might possibly be the most unflattering picture of me ever.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Jeanie's b-day extravaganza

Wow, I Suck At This

One more try! Yeah, It Worked!!!

Well, Here We Go

Ok, I'm going to try to put a picture up of Jaydon's birthday party. Wish me luck!

Uh oh...

So, I think I completely forgot about Jackie's birthday.....I know I forgot about several niece and nephew birthdays, but I accept that because it's hard enough to remember brothers and sisters for me. I also forgot two of my best friend's birthdays that were last week. I think I've just had so much stuff going on lately with moving and a new job, etc. Ugh. I should call these people...

By the way, I just realized that this post is useless. Get ready, cause I'm sure it won't be the last. I have lots of little bits of random free time at work. Mwahahah!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

This is awesome

Hey everyone,
This Muller Family blogger thing is COOL! Ryan and I will have so much to post soon. We are going to Lansing,IA this weekend for our first wedding shower. We are very excited. I love you all and will see you all soon.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Mitchell's Last Pee Wee Baseball Game

Here's some footage from Mitchell's last game. He got to play 1st base and made some awesome plays but, unfortunately, I didn't get them on tape.

Installed a New Sink

Well, I gave into Diane and spent the day Saturday installing a new sink. It took 10 hours and 6 beers to complete the project. I know what you're thinking, "10 hours for a new sink?!" In the course of preparing for the project I discovered that the plumbing to the kitchen sink was done using flexible copper and that, instead of making nice smooth bends in the pipe as it snaked it's way to the sink the pipes were bent and kinked in multiple places. As I explained to Diane, "You can't kink a garden hose and then expect water to come out of the spout." So, I decided to do the job right and replaced all the pipes coming from the main galvanized iron supply. For those of you who know me this was a great feat. I am a computer geek and I have no experience with these kinds of practical jobs. I learn fast though and it was quite interesting to sweat the copper tubes and get them aligned properly so that the water could get the sink with the proper amount of pressure. Actually, it was quite easy once I got over my apprehension. The video only shows the before and after for the sink. I only thought of doing this after all the work on the plumbing was complete. I wish I would have thought of it sooner because the plumbing job was quite impressive if I do say so myself :-)

American Queen Visits La Crosse

The American Queen stopped in La Crosse recently. What a magnificent sight! This is a mammoth paddle wheeler that is an amazing thing to behold as it lumbers up the Mississippi. You can take a cruise on her too if you like. Just visit the web site for the company that offers cruises all over the U.S. at This would make a wonderful vacation for any family interested in the beauty of our nation.

Amanda's Last T-Ball Game

Here are some clips from Amanda's last T-ball game. Hope you like the background music ;-)

Birthday Presents Up North

The kids got to open more birthday presents when we got up north to the resort where we vacation with Roger and Shirley and Becky and Gordy's family.